Aadhaar Verification

What is Aadhaar verification?
Aadhaar verification is the process of validating Aadhaar number provided by a user on your platform. We can help you authenticate identity information ente...
Thu, 28 Apr, 2022 at 1:04 PM
What details can be verified with Aadhaar?
Aadhaar verification can give you the following information about your user. Validity of Aadhaar number Name Date of Birth Gender Father/Mother’s name...
Thu, 28 Apr, 2022 at 1:05 PM
What details are needed for Aadhaar verification?
For Validate Aadhaar, you need to input the 12- digit Aadhaar number of the user. You can find basic demographic details of the individual, validity of Aadh...
Fri, 27 Jan, 2023 at 10:46 AM
Guidelines for accessing and storing Aadhaar related information.
Aadhaar holder should clearly be made aware of the data being collected, and its intended usage. Aadhaar holder's consent should be taken either on pape...
Mon, 3 Apr, 2023 at 1:15 PM
Can mobile number and email ID be verified with Aadhaar?
The mobile number and email values are returned in Aadhaar KYC API, but in hashed format. The hash cannot be used to find out an individual's contact de...
Tue, 2 May, 2023 at 2:50 PM
What are the different types of Aadhaar verifications available?
Validate Aadhaar Accepts an Aadhaar number as input and returns validity of Aadhaar. Aadhaar KYC(Boson) Supports OTP based verification through Aadha...
Mon, 3 Apr, 2023 at 1:23 PM