Follow the given steps to access details like due date, status details, delay reason etc on the portal :
Login to the OnGrid portal.
Go to the “Candidate Hub”& click on the “Overall Status” of the candidate.
The Verification Overview pop-up will open, displaying the following details:
Requested Verification: Displays the list of verifications requested for the candidate.
Status: Indicates the current status of each verification.
Due Date: This represents the date on which the verification should be completed as per the agreed TAT for that verification for that community. For further details, refer to the FAQs on Due Date article.
Completed Date: Shows the date when the verification is completed.
Delay Reason: Shows the verification’s delay reason in case of any delay.
Status Details: Displays detailed information about the current verification status. For example, if a verification's status is "On Hold," the reason for it being "On Hold" will be displayed. Similarly, Failed reason if status is Failed, Insufficiency Reason if the status is Data Insufficient, similar for all statuses.