Access to Gridlines APIs is controlled through API Keys. A Test API Key is part of your account at Sign Up and will give access to 100 transactions. To use our APIs beyond the 100 transactions and go live with Gridlines, you need to pass a "Live" API Key in the request header.

Read on to find how a "Live" API Key can be created.

  1. Log in to with your registered email ID.
  2. Check if your account is active. Only Active users can create API Keys. If your account is not active, please request Account Activation.
  3. Click on "Credential" to open the Credential Management Page
  4. Click on "Create API Key"
  5. Enter Key Name
  6. Click on Add Products to open the Products Dropdown
  7. Select the products you wish to access in your live environment
  8. Click on "Create Key" button

Your newly created Live API Key will be available in the Credentials Management Page. Transactions are tracked using API Keys and all transactions performed with Live API Key will be billed according to the billing policy.